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Heather Harvey


Heather is an empathetic and non-judgmental therapist who is passionate about holding space for people to connect to themselves. She understands that therapy is a collaborative process and adapts to meet the needs of each individual person. Heather works with children, adolescents, and adults, especially those who've experienced trauma and members of the LGBTQIA+ population.

Heather knows what it's like to go through life looking outside herself for validation and answers about what to do next. She is passionate about holding sacred space for people to connect more deeply with themselves to uncover anything that may be holding them back from inner peace. Heather utilizes IFS therapy, or parts work, to guide her clients on a journey of uncovering parts of self that need to witnessed and unburdened to be reintegrated into Self. Heather also utilizes mindfulness and somatic therapies in her practice, understanding that incorporating mind-body-spirit into the therapeutic process is integral to holistic healing.

Heather is a Licensed Master Social Worker in the state of Maryland. She earned her Masters of Social Work degree from Southeastern University in Lakeland, FL. Heather has experience treating adults who've experienced substance abuse and trauma as well as with elementary-aged children within the school system.

"The part of you that knows this to be true is your intuition. It has always been there. We have simply developed a habit of not listening to or trusting what it says. Being here today is a step in healing that broken trust within ourselves." - Nicole LePera